Friday, March 1, 2019

The Nature and Nurture Controversy

Briefly summarize the approaches to the nature and elevate controversy. support devil mannikins of nature and two examples of nurture and explain their influence on your own development. Evaluate the impact of each and explain which you believe had much of an impact and why. Your initial post must be at least(prenominal) 300 words in length. Respond to at least two of your classmates posts with critical thought. Classmate responses must be at least coulomb words in length and posted by Day 7. genius vs.. grow is a controversy suggesting that our development is either from tauter or nurture.Nature universe biological reasons such as DNA or it being hereditary. objet dart Nurture is brought on by our environment family, and or experiences. It is difficult to read one plays a bigger role in my upbringing than the other. For example I need my fathers big brown eyes but my views be entirely different than his. I look like my mother and have a similar face-to-faceity but don t think it is because of my genes we are alike. then(prenominal) we have how nurture Impacted my development. I became pregnant at suppurate 16 and was normal since where I lived at the mime- Los Angles was non foreign to It.Growing up In a big metropolis such as Los Angles you slope to grow up faster and more prone to hang taboo with the wrong crowds. I grew up with my two siblings a brother and an previous(a) babe who are very different although we were raised In the very(prenominal) environment. My older sister finished high school on cartridge clip and had her first child at age 22. My younger brother to a fault finished high school on time and decided to advance onto college. As for myself I married at age 16 and was not able to finish high school with my class.Although both play a huge role on my personality I believe that nurture had a bigger effect In my personal life history. Nature tail end also play a role In a persons life such as a disability that was Inherit ed but my touch can be easily overcome by nurture by Ignoring your disability or living a certain counseling. Either way both nature and nurture play an Important role In ones life unheeding of which one has a bigger Impact. The Nature and Nurture Controversy By Familiars it is because of my genes we are alike.Then we have how nurture impacted my time- Los Angles was not foreign to it. Growing up in a big city such as Los Angles although we were raised in the same environment. My older sister finished high huge role on my personality I believe that nurture had a bigger effect in my personal life. Nature can also play a role in a persons life such as a disability that was genic but my opinion can be easily overcome by nurture by ignoring your important role in ones life regardless of which one has a bigger impact.

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